Paritta| Ochranné Recitace
* namluveno v pāli jjazyce
1. Opening Ceremony
Namakkāraṃ | Reverence
Saraṇagamanaṃ | Going for Refuge
Pañcasikkhāpadāni | The Five Training Rules
Ārādhanā | The Invitation
Devārādhanā | The Invitation to the Gods
Mahāparittaṃ | The Great Safeguard
2. Tiratanaguṇavandanā | Worshipping the Virtues of the Three Treasures
3. Mahāmaṅgalasuttaṃ | The Discourse on the Great Blessings
4. Ratanasuttaṃ | The Discourse on the Treasures
5. Karaṇīyamettasuttaṃ | The Discourse on Friendliness
6. Protection and Blessing Verses
Catubhāṇavārapāḷi | The Text of the Four Recitals
Paṭhamakabhāṇavāraṃ | The First Recital
1. Saraṇagamanaṃ | Going for Refuge
2. Dasasikkhāpadāni | The Ten Training Rules
3. Sāmaṇerapañhaṃ | The Questions to the Novice
4. Dvattiṁsākāraṃ | The Thirty-Two Fold Nature
5. Paccavekkhaṇā | The Reflections
6. Dasadhammasuttaṃ | The Discourse on the Ten Things
7. Mahāmaṅgalasuttaṃ | The Discourse on the Great Blessings
8. Ratanasuttaṃ | The Discourse on the Treasures
9. Karaṇīyamettasuttaṃ | The Discourse on Friendliness
10. Khandhaparittaṃ | The Safeguard of the Constituent Groups
11. Mettānisaṁsasuttaṃ | The Discourse on the Advantages of Friendliness Meditation
12. Mittānisaṁsaṃ | The Advantages of Friendship
13. Moraparittaṃ | The Peacock‟s Safeguard
14. Candaparittaṃ | The Moon‟s Safeguard
15. Suriyaparittaṃ | The Sun's Safeguard
16. Dhajaggaparittaṃ | Safeguard through the Top of a Banner
Dutiyakabhāṇavāraṃ | The Second Recital
17. Mahākassapattherabojjhaṅgaṃ | The Factor of Awakening Concerning the Elder Mahākassapa
18. Mahāmoggallānattherabojjhaṅgaṃ | The Factor of Awakening Concerning the Elder Moggallāna
19. Mahācundattherabojjhaṅgaṃ | The Factor of Awakening Concerning the Elder Mahā Cunda
20. Girimānandasuttaṃ | The Discourse to Girimānanda
21. Isigilisuttaṃ | The Discourse about Isigili
Atirekāni sattasuttāni | The Seven Extra Discourses
22. Dhammacakkappavattanasuttaṃ | The Discourse that Set the Dhamma Wheel Rolling
23. Mahāsamayasuttaṃ | The Discourse on the Great Convention
24. Ālavakasuttaṃ | The Discourse concerniṅg Ālavaka
25. Kasībhāradvājasuttaṃ | The Discourse concerning Kasībhāradvāja
26. Parābhavasuttaṁ | The Discourse on Ruin
27. Vasalasuttaṃ | The Discourse on the Outcastes
28. Saccavibhaṅgasuttaṃ | The Discourse giving the Analysis of the Truths
Tatiyakabhāṇavāraṃ | The Third Recital
29a. Āṭānāṭiyasuttaṃ | The Āṭānāṭiya Discourse
Catutthakabhāṇavāraṃ | The Fourth Recital
29b. Āṭānāṭiyasuttaṃ | The Āṭānāṭiya Discourse
Upagantho | Supplementary Texts
1. Jayamaṅgalagāthā | Verses on the Blessings of Success
2. Mahājayamaṅgalagāthā | The Verses on the Great Blessings of Success
3. Āṇakkhettaparittaṃ | Safeguard in this Order's Domain
4. Jinapañjaraṃ | The Victors' Armour
5. Aṭṭhavīsatiparittaṃ | Safeguard through the Twenty-Eight Buddhas
6. Caturārakkhā bhāvanā | Four Protective Meditations
7. Cakkavāḷamettā bhāvanā | Universal Friendliness Meditation
8. Aṅgulimālaparittaṃ | The Aṅgulimāla Safeguard
9. Bojjhaṅgaparittaṃ | The Safeguard about the Factors of Awakening
10. Vaṭṭakaparittaṃ | The Discourse about the Quail
11. Phandanaparittaṃ | The Tree Safeguard
12. Narasīhagāthā | Verses about a Lion of a Man
13. Aṭṭhavīsatiparittaṃ | Safeguard through the Twenty-Eight