It is important to remind ourselves that the monastic dwelling is accessible to lay practitioners only thanks to the generosity of the previous and current donors. Not receiving any government funding, nor any regular external support, it is fully supported by the generosity of people who wish to help Bhikkhunī Visuddhi and other devotees to have the possibility to stay in the ārāma.
For these reasons, we encourage everyone to constantly be respectful and to make an effort to maintain harmony in the ārāma.
During their stay, practitioners are requested to observe the Eight Precepts and to participate in community activities.
Besides the precepts, it is fundamental to respect certain other rules in order to gain the maximum benefit from the experience. We invite you to carefully read this page to become familiar with the organization of the ārāma dwelling.
We understand that some of the rules may seem challenging at first, however, we believe in your understanding and your profound respect for the monastic practice. We nevertheless remain available to answer any questions you may have in this regard.
In the ārāma we live in communal harmony, which encourages sensitivity, reflection, and mutual respect.

It is kindly requested to be on time for any activities offered by Karuṇā Sevena With special regards to meditation seclusion, late arrivals will miss the chance to participate in the retreat.
Silence is a crucial means in our practice, as it is the most helpful restraints in developing mindfulness. We encourage you to take time for solitude and contemplate your mind.
Meanwhile, we ask everyone to be respectful and sensitive to the needs of others for silence.
You are kindly requested to avoid inappropriate and unwholesome speech, vulgar and harsh speech, gossiping, chitchatting, joking, sarcastic speech, worldly affairs and politics etc.
The ārāma (monastic dwelling) life presents an invaluable opportunity for lay practitioners. It gives us the chance to develop wholesome qualities like forgiveness, compassion, patience and modesty.
Also other qualities of the heart are fundamental in our practice: generosity, love and kindness, and cultivating noble relationships. They all are the key to living a happy and respectful life with yourself and others.
Given the limited space in the ārāma, it is essential to be perceptive and considerate while spending time there.
Also Bhikkhunī Visuddhi will live in the very same area, so it is important to be constantly mindful of your body and speech so that it does not cause any disturbance to her and to other practitioners like yourself.

It is forbidden for lay practitioners to enter any space reserved for the Saṅgha, especially Bhikkhunī’s room. The entrance in those areas are allowed only when there is given permission to do so by Bhikkhunī Visuddhi.
We are confident that you will pay close attention to where you take things from, and we kindly ask you to put them back where you have found them in the first place. This way, other people have no difficulty finding them in the future.
We ask you not to store your personal belongings in the ārāma. After your stay other practitioners will join the ārāma. It is important for them to find a clean and tidy space. There is no possibility to store any cups, towels, or bed linen of our guests, even if they prospect to visit the monastic dwelling in the future.
During your stay it is necessary to keep the ārāma clean and tidy all the time. Due to limited spaces it is good to be restrained and have regard for the privacy of other fellow practitioners.
It is not allowed to either lit candles or incense in the ārāma due to a higher risk of fire damage to wooden structures.
Smoking and drinking alcohol is strictly forbidden.

In the presence of Bhikkhunīs | And other monastic

Meetings with Bhikkhunī Visuddhi are arranged only in daylight. It is not allowed for lay practitioners to pay any visit after dark.
Questions and discussion must be related to Dhamma only.
Bhikkhunī goes first. If she is walking across the room we avoid standing in the way, we gently move on a side so that she could pass by.
If the Bhikkhunī asks us to leave the room we politely comply.
When conversing with the Bhikkhunī we never sit directly in front of her, or stand, while always keeping the right distance. It is important to keep yourself lower than she is, as a sign of respect towards your teacher.
Please read more in the section dedicated to Meeting with Bhikkhunī Visuddhi.
The ārāma is a small monastic dwelling, where it is possible to develop one’s own practice of the Buddha’s teaching in silence and seclusion.
It is not:
a public meditation center offering various activities and retreats
a place for vacation and healing
a place for asylum, a crisis center
Equipped for therapeutic purposes
During your stay in the ārāma you will have the chance to spend some quality time with yourself. Silence and respect are crucial features of effective practice. Thus, the ārāma is particularly strict in ensuring that everyone has a positive experience.

It is strictly forbidden:
To engage in idle talks, gossiping and false speech.
Practicing yoga, kung-fu, and any other practice related to different traditions in the meditation hall.
Practicing rites and rituals that are not in line with the Theravāda Tradition (Sri Lanka style)
To recite mantras
The respect of the above guidelines and rules is of utmost importance. The ārāma holds the right to reject your future visit requests in case of a violation of these rules.
Thank you for your understanding. We remain available to answer any further questions you may have.
Indeed, we encourage anyone to contact us without hesitation in case of doubts regarding the rules and their application in the ārāma.