The project “Children of the Sun – Suriya Lamai“ was founded in 2003 and is led by the venerable Bhikkhunī Visuddhi.
The project is focused on providing help to orphans, and to other children in need. The funding is entirely devolved to support their education, to provide them with food supply and safe shelters. We operate mainly in Sri Lanka.
We are pleased to share that since its establishment, Suriya Lamai was able to provide support to 70.545 children and families. And, between 2012-2023, the project was able to donate over 54.214 EUR, thanks to your generosity.
Countless Sri Lankan families still need our assistance, if you wish to be part of it and provide your kind support, we invite you to read about all the projects by Suriya Lamai below.
To whom can you help?
In the nunnery called “Gothamī ārāma“ in Sri Lanka, Suriya Lamai helps expectant women making sure they can manage to take care of their children during the pregnancy and after giving birth. They are in charge of taking care of the many young women pregnant women who come in search of help... read more >
The venerable bhikkhunī Vijitha and the venerable bhikkhunī Dharsikha, are two of the most senior of the Theravāda bhikkhunīs in the world. In addition to teaching the Dhamma and meditation, they are engaged in social activites activities, providing for the needs of people in local villages, taking careof people who are severely sick, donating them some emotional support and comfort, in addition to the support with material needs... read more >
Suriya Lamai has been supporting a number of nunneries, youth houses, and orphanages mainly, but not only, in Sri Lanka... read more >
Suriya Lamai helps children that attend the schools in two nunneries called Sakyadhita and Srī Gotamī ārāma in Sri Lanka. Thanks to the generous help of the donors we are able to provide help and care for the children's education by covering school fees, providing food and donating clothes... read more >
Our help is focused on families that's live in hardly accessible areas of Sri Lanka. Suriya Lamai provides food, clothing, and medical care for those families. Our priority consists of improving their standarts, providing them with long-term medical care, and supporting education for children and illiterate adults... read more >
Suriya Lamai helps unprivileged families in Sri Lanka, especially those living in areas affected by natural disasters. Our help consist in providing food, water, clothing, blankets, medicines and shelters, however, the journey to those remote destinations is often very challenging, and dangerous... read more >
Support of the Project Suriya Lamai
Full name of the account holder: Spolek Karuna Sevena
Bank account: 6855679001/5500; IBAN: CZ4955000000006855679001; SWIFT: RZBCCZPP
Address of the recipient: Slezska 3; City: Prostejov, Zipcode: 79601; Country: Czech Republic
Email: karuna.sevena.en@gmail.com
The intention of the project Suriya Lamai “The Children of the Sun” is to enable children from underprivileged families to develop and educate themselves and to provide them with basic needs.
The donation is tax-deductible in the Czech Republic.
Please state the reason for the donation with the following note" For the Children of SL."
Neither of the above is a public collection, and therefore we ask all donors to add their contact information to their gift, so that we can issue a donation agreement contract or a donation receipt. We thank all the donors.
Links for donation: